Category: Meeting

  • Star Wars Roadshow and Toy Sale – Silver Spring, MD

    We would be honored if you would join us….. August 25th, 2019   1PM – 5PM American Legion Hall 8110 Fenton St Silver Spring, MD 20910

  • Recap – March 2017 Meeting – Chantilly, VA

    The March 2017 meeting of the DCSWCC was held on Sunday, March 5th at the Chantilly Regional Library in Chantilly, VA. Topics discussed included: Celebration Orlando Roll call Groupme App Booth Volunteer Schedule Booth Giveaway/game ideas 3 group members participating in Celebration Orlando Panels Upcoming event at the Frederick Keys baseball game for Star Wars…

  • ICE Seattle Presentation

    At today’s club meeting, Jonathan showed various photos of his trip to ICE Seattle. طريقة لعبة الشيش Bill and Jonathan spoke about the best miter saw project and various collections they saw and the overall wonderful experience they had at the event. See the website.

  • R2 Builders visit DCSWCC Meeting

    Local members of the R2 Builders group and R2DC stopped by the January meeting of DCSWCC. Greg, Izzy, Mike and Bob brought various parts, domes and two functioning R2 units and presented information on R2 building. الموقع الرسمى لقنوات beoutq

  • DCSWCC Turns 10!

    Mike Kurtz started the DCSWCC Yahoogroup on August 20th, 2003 and the first official meeting of the DCSWCC was held on September 13th, 2003. In the past 10 years, the club has fulfilled MK’s vision of being a place for Star Wars collectors to meet up with others of similar interest, expand their collecting habits,…

  • 10th Anniversary Summer Social

    The 10th Anniversary Summer Social will be held on Saturday, September 7th from 1pm to 5pm at the American Legion in Fairfax, VA

  • DCSWCC Fall Picnic

    An event for friends and family!  Check the forums for details! الكرابس And make sure to bring your baby trend expedition jogger stroller if you are bringing the kids, they get tired very easily. Saturday, September 8, 2012 – 1:00pm to 4:00pm

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